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Values, and

Equity Statement

Good Neighbors. Good Partners. 

Our Vision

Thriving neighborhoods and equitable housing for all on the Delmarva Peninsula.

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen communities through housing, lending, and education.

Our Values

As guiding principles for the organization, as concepts honored when making decisions, and as the manner in which we relate to our stakeholders, NeighborGood Partners embraces these values as we strive for excellence:


Compassionate: We welcome and respect everyone and care about their current situation while looking forward to the promise of their futures.



Resourceful: We connect people’s needs to opportunities.



Trustworthy: We pursue excellence and are responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us.



Responsive: We listen, learn to understand, and create plans that serve diverse interests.



Innovative: We act as change agents in the financial health and well-being of people and communities.

Our Commitment to Equity

Thriving neighborhoods where all residents have decent housing, employment opportunities, healthy living conditions, and access to resources embody the work we do at NeighborGood Partners.

We believe that diversity and inclusivity are the bedrock of healthy, sustainable communities. We recognize the history of underserved peoples and the impact that history has had on representative voice, homeownership, opportunity, and participation in an ever-growing economy.

We prioritize the advancement of equity in all its forms and are committed to ensuring a better and brighter future for marginalized people. Every member of our organization has visible and invisible qualities that make them unique; they matter, they are valued, and they belong.

As we learn and grow as an organization, serving communities across the Delmarva Peninsula, we are committed to leading with integrity while we journey through our own understanding and push the limits of what is possible to prioritize the advancement of equity in all forms.


NeighborGood Partners is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Dover, Delaware, that specializes in affordable housing development, education and lending.

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