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Stability Program

Serving Kent and Sussex Counties

NeighborGood Partners is a DSHA community partner and we are available to help. 


The Housing Stability Program (HSP) aims to break the cycle of housing instability, offering a lifeline to individuals and families in crisis.

We have dedicated staff in place to help navigate your journey.

"The New Housing Stability Program will provide much-needed financial support for those families facing eviction and future homelessness to enable them to stay in their home and get back on their feet."

Karen Speakman,

Executive Director

The Housing Stability Program (HSP) can provide up to $1,800 per month for up to three months in financial assistance for rental arrears, late fees, and security deposit.


Assistance Available

Eviction Assistance - Past-Due, Current Rent

The tenant must have a court-scheduled eviction hearing, proven through a court summons, or a Notice of Pre-Eviction to apply for this type of assistance. The maximum amount of available assistance per household is up to $1,800 per month, inclusive of all rent and related lease fees. HSP can cover rental arrears (past-due rent) that are due to the landlord from April 2020 – the present, up to 18 months, to ensure the household’s housing stability. Rental arrears incurred before April 1, 2020 cannot be paid by HSP.


Security Deposit and Three Months of Future Rent Assistance

Security deposit and future rent assistance will be available to eligible tenants who are securing new housing in connection with HSP. Eligible tenants will receive up to one month’s rent to be used for security deposit and may be approved at the same time for up to three (3) month’s forward-facing rent for the unit. The security deposit does not count towards the 18 months maximum. The maximum amount of available assistance per household is up to $1,800 per month, inclusive of all rent and related lease fees.

Do you meet the Qualifications?

To receive services from a HSP organization, the individual and/or family must meet the following requirements:

  • The individual should have delinquent rent, accompanied by a court-scheduled eviction hearing; AND

  • Individuals must not have received 18 months of previous DEHAP emergency rental assistance historically.

  • Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income for the county of residence. Income must not exceed 80% of the income limits set by HUD based on each county’s Fair Market Rent.

HOSS Postcard (2) edited

If you have answered YES to all three of the qualification questions, please fill out the Intake Form.

Please note: A Case Navigator will contact you within 6-8 business days

after submitting your intake form.

Additional HSP Questions?


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