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Program Closed June 30, 2024

Housing Outreach

& Stability Services

NeighborGood Partners is a DSHA community partner and we are available to help. 


The Housing Outreach & Stability Services (HOSS) Program
can help you connect with useful community resources. 

We have dedicated staff in place to help navigate your journey.

Are you unemployed or facing financial hardship?

Are you at risk of losing your housing?

Do you need help connecting to services?

We are here to help.

The HOSS program will provide community outreach, case management, and other wraparound support including referrals to legal aid, employment or education resources, and financial literacy and housing counseling to eligible households experiencing housing instability.

Do you meet the Qualifications?

Program Closed June 30, 2024

To receive services from a HOSS organization, the individual and/or family must meet the following requirements.


1. One or more individuals qualified for unemployment OR experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the pandemic; AND


2. Risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, which may include: past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice, housing cost burden (rent is more than 30% of monthly income), or any member of the household has experienced homelessness since March 13, 2020; AND


3. Income (either 2020 annual income or current income at time of application) at or below 80% of Area Median Income for the county of residence.

HOSS Postcard

If you have answered YES to all three of the qualification questions, please select the County in which you reside and fill out the Intake Form.

Program Closed June 30, 2024

Additional HOSS Questions?


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NeighborGood Partners is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Dover, Delaware, that specializes in affordable housing development, education and lending.

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